Academic research for Al-Bayan University staff members within Scopus database

1- Annual Publication Rate:

The number of research published with the name of the university (Al-Bayan university) has reached (50) papers.

The highest publication rate was in 2020 as the number of research published in Scopus reached (22). In (2019) the university has published 15 research papers. In 2021, the university has published (8) research.

Below is a report on the scientific research of Al-Bayan University staff within Scopus database for publication since its foundation in 2016 until March 2021:

2- Research Topics:

Topics, such as pharma, toxicology and pharmaceutical subjects, are at the top of the list of research with (24%). Then, medical topics comes second with (23%). This is followed by chemical topics with (10%), and environmental sciences (8%), along with biochemistry with (6%). Research in Al-Bayan also focuses on computers and mathematics each with a percentage of (7%). Research topics that are related to agriculture, physics, astronomy, social sciences and other miscellaneous topics take place as well in the university as shown in the following diagram and table:

3- Collaborating Affiliations:

  • The highest percentage of research cooperation with researchers from Iraqi universities, led by the University of Baghdad, followed by Al-Mustansiriya University, Al-Rasheed University, and the University of Bilad Al-Rafideen.
  • Research cooperation with members at international universities such as universities in Egypt, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.

4- Citations: In terms of citations for research, it is going in escalation. This indicates the importance and strength of the topics of these researches as they are referred to and their results are cited globally.

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