Al-Bayan University
Academic excellence in a modern vision

University’s Colleges

College of Dentistry
Est. 2017College of Dentistry

College of Pharmacy
Est. 2016College of Pharmacy

College of Health and Medical Techniques
Est. 2016College of Health and Medical Techniques

College of Nursing
Est. 2017College of Nursing

Technical Engineering College
Ets. 2021Technical Engineering College

College of Law
Est. 2016College of Law

College of Business Administration
Est. 2016College of Businees Administration

College of Education
Est. 2023College of Education

College of Fine Arts
Est. 2023College of Fine Arts

College of Engineering
Est. 2024College of Engineering
University’s Vision
The university vision is the core values and purposes of the university. The core values are based on the high quality of education in the fields of knowledge provided by the university and the establishment of contemporary knowledge in these areas, which leads to inspiring creativity and social responsibility locally and internationally. The core purposes are based on the knowledge and technical contribution to the progress and welfare of the community.