The head of the Program accreditation unit from the College of Health and Medical Techniques(Teaching Assistant Humam Muhammad Zidane) participated in the international conference for students from all over the world after accepting the invitation of the Faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences / University of Glasgow, Britain, and a distinguished group of universities and colleges from around the world participated, and among The topics that were addressed in the conference were: 1-Introducing the University of Glasgow in general and the colleges with medical and health specializations in particular.
2-Opening the portal for scholarships for postgraduate students.
3-Addressing the study system for the doctoral and master’s programs.
4-The necessity of choosing the topics that are presented for research in order to choose what is appropriate by the supervisor to start the study.
Many representatives of colleges, universities and students participated in the event and The most important interventions discussed by the head of the accreditation unit are the following: 1-Introduction to the College of Health and Medical Techniques 2-Discussion on the possibility of the college obtaining British accreditation or international accreditation 3-Opportunities to provide scholarships for students in order to complete postgraduate studies for graduate students
4-The possibility of agreeing on scientific cooperation between British and Iraqi universities
5-Getting to know the study systems in British universities