10 10, 2022

Engineering Technical College at Bayan University holds a workshop entitled “General Standards of the National Council for the Improvement of the Quality of Technical Engineering Education


Engineering Technical College at Al- Bayan University held a workshop entitled "General Standards of the National Council for the Improvement of the Quality of Technical Engineering Education", presented by the Head of the Department of Medical Devices Technologies Engineering, Dr. Thair Abd al-Wahab, in the presence of attendances and deans of colleges and their collaborators, heads of departments and students.

29 08, 2022

Al-Bayan University signs scientific cooperation agreement with Istanbul-Eden University/ Turkey


Al-Bayan University has signed a scientific cooperation agreement with Istanbul-Eden University in Turkey. The agreement aims to promote scientific exchange between the two universities. Istanbul Eden University is considered one of the largest Turkish universities, with 16 colleges, 34 research centers and many programs for primary and higher studies, with more than 40,000 students, of which 6,000 are foreign students. The agreement includes scientific co-operation, exchange of students and teaching staff, short-term courses during the summer holiday, and co-operation in holding scientific conferences, seminars, and workshops. The agreement was signed in the presence of the Vice- President for scientific Affaires, Assist. [...]

28 08, 2022

The World Health Organization chooses Al-Bayan University Journal of Medical and Health Sciences in its database and scientific resources


In a major Iraqi scientific achievement, the World Health Organization chooses the Al-Bayan University Journal of Medical and Health Sciences in its database and scientific sources.  “Al-Bayan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences” was chosen to be one of the sources of input for the Medical Index for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR). #Congratulations to all those responsible for this great scientific achievement. https://vlibrary.emro.who.int/…/al-bayan-journal-for…/

22 06, 2022

Al Bayan University Published the first issue of Al Bayan Journal for Medical and Health Sciences


Al-Bayan University released the first issue of "Al Bayan Journal for Medical and Health Sciences", a scientific journal with the international standard number ‏Online ISSN: 2957-3793 ‏Print ISSN: 2789-911X Research is received and evaluated electronically via the magazine's website using the global magazine management system Open Journal System (OJS) The University confirms that the general call for publication in the next issue (December 2022) where the journal will be available to all researchers in the medical and health fields Journal Website: https://js.albayan.edu.iq/index.php/abjmhs

21 06, 2022

Al Bayan University accredited ISO 9001/2015 standard requirements compliance certificate


After being examined by the IAS International Accreditation Service of the United States, Al Bayan University accredited the ISO 9001/2015 Standard Requirements Certificate. The University of Al-Bayan obtained the ISO 9001/2015 Standard Requirements. It was evaluated and validated that the # University _ Al-Bayan meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard. The validity and sustainability of this certificate depends on the success of the surveillance evaluations for the perpetuation and improvement and development of the quality system of the certificate, which is carried out through internal and external auditing.

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