31 01, 2022

President of Bayan University receives a delegation from the Dentists’ Union


The president of Al- Bayan University Prof. Dr. Haider Talib Al-Emara and the Dean of the College of Dentistry Dr. Mudar Al-Sunbuli received a delegation from the Dental Association represented by Dr. Ahmed Saleh, vice president of the Dentists Association, and Dr. Bashar Al-Hadithi on Monday 2022/1/31. Discussions were held on how to open up a cooperation avenue between the College of Dentistry and the Union through professional courses for students, in order to continue and acquire scientific credibility and develop it among the students of the faculty of dentistry. They also examined the ability and efficiency of the university's teachers [...]

25 01, 2022

Al-Bayan University to participate in scientific innovation exhibition


The Department of Student Activities at Al-Bayan University participated in the Fourth Scientific Innovation Fair, sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The fair was held under the patronage of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and was attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Adnan Darjal, and a number of other ministers. Al-Bayan University participated with two innovators: Safaa Saad Mohammed Elwan with the GTA Maps Design Project. Afyan Hassoun Obaid Kadhim, with the “Al-Bayan Students Center” project.

24 01, 2022

Al Bayan University Team Participates in Iraqi University Chess Championship


The Al-Bayan University Chess Team participated in the Iraqi Universities Chess Championship hosted by the University of Technology, the Al-Rafidain University College, and the Al-Mustafa University College, with the participation of more than 35 universities for the period 16-20 January 2022. The tournament was nine rounds. Al-Bayan University won three games, lost three games, and tied in three. Al-Bayan University ranked 15th at the championship.

19 01, 2022

Al Bayan University signs a memorandum of understanding and academic cooperation with the American University of Science and Technology in Lebanon


On Wednesday, 1/19/2022, with the presence of the President of Al- Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Haidar Talib Al-Emara, the Vice-president for Scientific Affairs, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hassanein Faisal Ghazi, the Director of the Administrative Department, Dr. Ziad Al-Shahmani, as well as the Lebanese delegation represented by the Vice-President of the American University, Dr. Riad Fouad Saqr, and his accompanying delegation. Al-Bayan University signed a memorandum of cooperation and academic understanding with the American University of Science and Technology in Lebanon. This agreement came in view of the importance of higher education in building, developing and serving society by establishing scientific and [...]

11 01, 2022

Al-Bayan University’s College of Nursing performs a presentation of the immune system’s mechanism


Al-Bayan University's College of Nursing performed a simulation of the immune system's defenses against harmful foreign bodies that enter the body. The performance featured 13 students from the second stage, each of whom portrayed the function of a particular cell or protein in the body. Course: Practical Microbiology Supervisor: Assist. Lect. Shaima Walaa Muhammad

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