10 01, 2022

The College of Nursing at Al-Bayan University holds a needle glaucoma course


A two-day theoretical and scientific course on needle glaucoma was offered at Al-Bayan University's College of Nursing. Prof. Dr. Wafaa Mohamed Atouf, the dean of the college of nursing, presented the lecture. In the presence of a group of university professors and students. These programs are in line with the strategy developed by the University’s colleges to promote a culture of medicine and health.

5 01, 2022

The Student Activities Department at Al-Bayan University holds the Knowledge Contest


Al-Bayan University's Student Activities Department organized an interfaculty competition for knowledge and cultural questions. The College of Business Administration team, the College of Pharmacy team, and the College of Dentistry team all qualified to the final round in the presence of number of professors and students. The final round included a fierce rivalry amongst the teams that was won by the College of Pharmacy team.

4 01, 2022

The Deanship of the Technical Engineering College holds an introductory lecture on the blended learning system and e-learning


The Deanship of the Technical Engineering College held an introductory lecture on the blended learning system for first-year students in the Department of Medical Equipment Technology Engineering. Dr. Fouad Abdel Amir, the university's e-learning Director, gave the lecture on an introduction to the e-learning system. The best way to use the electronic platform intended for students as well as the best way to navigate the university's website (albayan.edu.iq) were also explained to the students.

3 01, 2022

Al-Bayan University visits the Hematology Center in the Medical City for children with cancer


As a voluntary and humanitarian activity the College of Nursing with a number of its professors and students made a visit to the Hematology Center in the medical City for children with leukemia on Thursday 30/12/2021, the visit was made under the direct supervision of the Dean of College of Nursing. An entertainment program was prepared for the children that included national songs and children’s songs, Magic tricks, scientific experiments, and children’s storytelling. At the end of the visit, gifts were distributed to the children in the hall and the center’s lobbies. The Dean of the College addressed a speech with [...]

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