31 03, 2021

Al-Bayan University took preventive Measures During the Live Attendance Examinations


Al-Bayan University colleges continue their live attendance examinations for primary subjects with precautionary and preventive measures to prevent the Coronavirus outbreak of the first semester of the academic year (2020-2021). The President of Al-Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Abdullah, and Vice-president of Administrative Affairs, Prof. Haidar Talib Al-Emara, visited the examination halls to supervise the examinations progress on Wednesday, March 31, 2021). The University has provided all procedures needed to facilitate the examination process. The university wishes continued success for its dear students.

29 03, 2021

Al-Bayan Continues its Preparatory Exams of the First Semester


For the second day in a row, Al-Bayan University colleges continue their live attendance examinations within the first semester of the academic year (2020-2021). The President of Al-Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Abdullah, and the Vice-President for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Haider Talib Al-Emara, supervised the examination process concerning the prevention measures of safe distancing, fogging, and wearing masks on Monday, March 29, 2021. The University has provided all procedures needed to facilitate the examination process. The university wishes continued success for its dear students. Al-Bayan University Academic Excellence in a Modern Vision

28 03, 2021

Al-Bayan University Starts Live Attendance Examinations


Al-Bayan University started the final live attendance examinations for the first semester of the academic year (2020-2021) on Sunday, March 28, 2021. The University has prepared the requirements for all live attendance exams following the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,  and the Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety instructions of safe distancing, fogging, and wearing masks to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus among the attendance. The examinations are supervised by the President of Al-Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Abdullah, the Vice-president for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Intisar Tariq Numan, and the Vice-president for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. [...]

25 03, 2021

Al-Bayan University Organizes a Virtual Seminar in Cooperation with Ithaka College in New York


Al-Bayan University hosted a virtual meeting on Wed, March 24,  2021, about the Impact of COVID 19 on International Education. Our valued speaker was Professor Cory Young, the Honor Director Program at Ithaca College, and an Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Communication. Our outstanding academics, staff, and students joined the meeting. This is a unique step forward for Al-Bayan University to work with international universities. The Assistant Lecturer Haider Asad, Director of the Foreign Relations Department at Al-Bayan University, arranged the seminar. The seminar talked about (the Corona pandemic and its impact on global education); the audience who joined [...]

25 03, 2021

Albayan university hosted a virtual meeting


Albayan university hosted a virtual meeting on Wed March 24 th 2021 about the Impact of COVID 19 on the International Education. Our valued speaker was Professor Cory Young the Honor Director Program at Ithaca College and an associate Prof at the Department of Strategic Communication. Joined by our great academics, staff, and students. This is a unique one step forward to Albayan University to work with international universities.

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