28 02, 2021

The College of Law Organizes an Online Seminar on ‘Minors Guardianship Deprivation’


Under the auspices of the President of Al-Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed, and with the supervision of the Dean of the College of Law, Prof. Haider Taleb Al-Emara, a seminar entitled “Minors Guardianship Deprivation” was held on Thursday, February 25, 2021. The faculty lecturers delivered the seminar: Lecturer Dr. Abbas Ali Salman, Assistant Lecturer Abbas Qasim Al-Majidi, and Assistant Lecturer Marwan Abd Salman by Google Meet. Al-Bayan University Academic Excellence in a Modern Vision

18 02, 2021

College of Nursing at Al-Bayan University Organizes a Seminar to Introduce Deep Breathing Exercises


The College of Nursing at Al-Bayan University organized an e-symposium entitled (Effects of Deep Breathing Exercises on COVID19 Patients) on Wednesday (February 17, 2021). Prof. Dr. Buthaina Bashir Saleh, a faculty member at the College of Nursing, spoke on the importance of deep breathing in getting rid of the patient's lungs' fluids. This symposium comes as a scientific activity for the College of Nursing at Al-Bayan University. Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a modern vision

17 02, 2021

The President of Al-Mustansiriya University visits Al-Bayan University to determine the cooperation mechanism


The Presidency of Al-Bayan University, represented by its president (Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Abdullah), was honored to visit the President of Al-Mustansiriya University (Prof. Dr. Hamid Fadel Al-Tamimi) on Wednesday (February 17, 2021). During the visit, both universities discussed various ways to achieve scientific, knowledge, and academic cooperation in educational progress and development. The two parties agreed to form a coordination committee to determine further cooperation mechanisms and assign the two universities' scientific assistants to follow up. Assistant President of Al-Mustansiriya University for Scientific Affairs (Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dia Al-Hasani) attended the meeting along with the Director of the Scientific Affairs [...]

16 02, 2021

Al-Bayan Participates in the Ministerial Team’s Workshop on Switching Blended Learning with E-Learning


Al-Bayan University participated in the ministerial team's workshop for E-learning on Tuesday (February 16, 2021). Participants discussed mechanisms for transformation from integrated education (blended-learning) to e-learning for theoretical and practical classes. This complies with the Supreme Committee for Health and Safety decisions and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research's directives. Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a modern vision

16 02, 2021

A Faculty Member at the College of Business Administration Gives a Lecture at the University of Kufa


Among the academic activities of the College of Business Administration at Al-Bayan University, (Prof. Riyad Jassim Al-Abdullah) gave a lecture on (Accounting Education and its Impact on Human Behavior) at the College of Business and Economics at the University of Kufa on Wednesday (February 10, 2021). The lecture was part of a university's research workshop entitled: (Towards Global Marketing of Scientific Research). The workshop was attended by (Prof. Dr. Dia Abdul-Hussein Al-Qamousi), Dean of the College of Business Administration, and Assistant Dean (Prof. Dr. Ayad Fadel), and the Scientific Unit Director (M. Dr. Haider Al-Sultani). Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a [...]

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