13 02, 2021

Vice-President for scientific affairs an external examiner for a Ph.D. dissertation defend at the University of Baghdad


Vice-President for Al-Bayan University's scientific affairs (Prof. Dr. Intisar Tariq Numan) was an eternal examiner for a Ph.D. dissertation defend at the University of Baghdad / College of Pharmacy on Wednesday (February 3, 2021). The dissertation was entitled: (Potential Protective Effects of High Dose versus Low Dose of Lutein of Used with Topoisomerase Enzyme Inhibitors, Arenotican, and Severofloxacin Bone Marrow and Liver in Rats), and the dissertation defense was enriched with scientific notes that would evaluate the research. Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a modern vision

7 02, 2021

The College of Health and Medical Technologies held a seminar on “the importance of blood donation.”


As part of the University's scientific activities, Health and Medical Technologies' college held a scientific seminar on "Health benefits of donating blood and its impotence" on Sunday (February 7, 2021). Lecturer Farah Khadim Salman of the College of Health and Medical Technologies gave the lecture, emphasizing the importance of blood donation and its humane and health benefits. Faculty members and students attended the seminar. Following the symposium, a blood donation campaign was organized to help Thalassemia patients and those injured from the bombings attacks. Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a modern vision

1 02, 2021

A Professor of Business Administration College at Al-Bayan University gave a lecture at Basra University


Prof. Dr. Riyadh Jassim Al-Abdulla of Business Administration College at Al-Bayan University gave a lecture on "Positivism: Impact on Accounting Knowledge-Creating awareness" at a scientific symposium at the College of Business Administration at Basra University on Thursday (January 28, 2021). The seminar was attended by teachers and specialists in accounting and administrative sciences Al-Bayan University- Academic excellence in a modern vision

23 01, 2021

Two Faculty Members at Al-Bayan University Obtain Patents of Invention from the Ministry of Planning


Two instructors at the College of Health and Medical Technologies at Al-Bayan University obtained two patents from the Ministry of Planning / Standardization and Quality Control. The first patent was entitled: (Inhibition of the growth of some cancers by using the formula of Prodigiosin purified from Serratia Marcescens) for the Assistant Dean of the College (Prof. Dr. Shallal Murad Hussein), while the other patent was entitled: (The role of fructose-loving lactic acid bacteria living in honey bees in the treatment and restoration of infected wounds) for Lecturer Shahd Mansour Salman. The University wishes the faculty members continued success and hopes to [...]

20 01, 2021

The College of Law Held a Seminar on Commercial Litigation


Under the auspices of the President of Al-Bayan University, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed Abdullah, the College of Law held a seminar entitled: "A Legal Reading on the Court of First Instance Specialized in Commercial Litigation" on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021. The seminar shed light on the crucial aspects behind creating the Court of First Instance by discussing the legal basis for its creation and formation. It also clarified the cases that fall within this court's jurisdiction and the key matters of the statement of establishing this court, such as encouraging foreign investments. The seminar was delivered by Assistant Prof. Dr. Nawar [...]

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