24 08, 2020

The Ministerial E-Learning Team visits Al-Bayan and Praises the Success of Its Electronic Experiment


The ministerial team for e-learning visited Al-Bayan University on Monday (August 24, 2020), and the delegation was headed by the general coordinator of the ministerial team for e-learning (Prof. Dr. Amer Salim Al-Amir), who was accompanied by a member of the ministerial team (Prof. Dr. Uday Ali Ahmed). The team praised the success of the e-learning experience and the final examination for students, calling for more efforts to come out with an electronic university experience that would raise the educational level in all universities. Al-Bayan University honored the visiting team with a university shield, and letters of appreciation for their efforts [...]

22 08, 2020

Al-Bayan Appreciates the Efforts Made for the Success of the Online Examinations and Discusses Preparations for the First Semester Exam


By the end of the final exams for the second semester within the academic year (2019-2020), the presidency of Al-Bayan University appreciated in its meeting on Saturday (August 22, 2020) the efforts of its staff that made the online exams a successful expeirnce. The meeting was chaired by the university president (Prof. Dr. Kazem Abdul Amir Al-Zaidi), the Vice President for scientific affairs (Prof. Intisar Tariq), the Vice president for administrative affairs (Prof. Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed), and the deans of the colleges. The meeting discussed the coming online exams for the first semester according to the instructions of the Ministry of [...]

30 07, 2020

Al-Bayan Treats Medical Waste and Hazardous Materials


Al-Bayan University has been keen on preserving the public health of the individual, society and the environment by spreading awareness among students, staff and employees about the necessity of classifying the waste produced in all laboratories in preparation for transporting it to the treatment site in accordance with health and environmental controls and mechanisms to maintain public safety in accordance to the recommendations of the ministerial department concerned with implementing the program of evaluating procedures and standards for biosecurity in laboratories and research centers according to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Department of Private University Education - [...]

8 02, 2020

The Faculty of Pathological Analysis Techniques Details the Risks of Coronavirus.


In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the College of Pathological Analysis at Al-Bayan University organized an introductory seminar on (Coronavirus) on Wednesday (February 5, 2020), in which the lecturers detailed the virus in terms of infection, symptoms, and prevention. The speakers were: - Prof. Hassan Muhammad Nayef - PhD in virus genetic engineering / The University of Queensland in Australia. - Dr. Hiam Nasser - Baghdad Health Department Al-Karkh. - M. Ali Saad - a staff member at Al-Bayan University. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CY-LHsloyw[/embedyt]

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