28 03, 2019

Al-Bayan Festival for the First University Theater


The Student Activities Department at Al Bayan University organized Al-Bayan Award for the first university theater which was held on Wednesday 27 March 2019 among the six colleges of the university. The festival witnessed a significant public presence during which the contestants presented special events that were admired by all attendees. Al-Bayan University Academic Excellence in a Modern Vision

27 03, 2019

Al Bayan University Seminar on Rumors Spread


To raise awareness on the dangers of rumors and drugs and their impact on society, Al Bayan University held an awareness seminar on that matter entitled “The Dangers of Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, and Electronic Extortion” on Tuesday, 26 March 2019. The seminar was organized by the university in cooperation with the Department of Media and Communication at the Ministry of Interior, the Anti-Rumor Department in the Ministry, and Aden High School for Girls. The lecturers stressed the importance of the role universities plays in order to raise awareness on the negative impacts of these issues on society members. Al-Bayan University Academic [...]

27 03, 2019

The Iraqi Commission of Integrity Starts its Universities Against Corruption Project in Al-Bayan University


Universities play a pivotal role in supporting the efforts of integrity and combating corruption. For that, the Faculty of Law at Al-Bayan University, in cooperation with the Department of NGO Relations at the Commission of Integrity (COI), organized a two days workshop entitled “Guide to Social Integrity in Combatting Corruption“. The workshop is part of the “Universities Against Corruption” project. The moderator was Dr. Nawar Daham Mattar, Assistant Dean of the College of Law, and the speakers were Mr. Saleh Aboud Al Tamimi, Assistant of Director General of the Department of Communication in the Commission of Integrity, and Mr. Mazin Sahib [...]

26 03, 2019

Al Bayan University / College of Law Organized a Moot Court


The Faculty of Law at Al-Bayan University organized a moot court, which was titled: "Divorce Based on Conflict and Disputes". A number of students participated in the mooting under the direction of Judge Abbas Al-Saadi. The activity involves the theoretical and practical aspects of legal education as well as provides the students with a unique experience on actual courtrooms happenings. Al-Bayan University Academic Excellence in a Modern Vision http://albayanuni.iq/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/988756445.mp4

26 03, 2019

College of Nursing Holds a Seminar on the Prevention of AIDS


The Faculty of Nursing at Al-Bayan University, in cooperation with the National Center for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), organized a scientific seminar entitled "Human Immunodeficiency, Prevention and Treatment" on Monday, March 25, 2019, on Al-Bayan Conference Hall. Dr. Bahjat Abdul Reza Al-Saadi, Director of the National Center, delivered a valuable lecture on this subject, which poses a great danger to the society. Dr. Bahjat showed also the necessary mechanisms to the disease prevention. At the end of the seminar, the University honored Dr. Bahjat with Al-Bayan honor shield and awarded him a certificate of appreciation. Al-Bayan University Academic Excellence in a [...]

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