23 03, 2019

Al-Bayan University Announces Mourning on Mousl Ferry Sinking


Colleges of Al-Bayan University, the faculty staff, and the students would like to offer their sincere condolences to the Iraqi people and the families of the victims in Mousl for the tragedy that occurred as they passed away in a ferry sinking in the Tourist Island in Mousl. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.

20 03, 2019

Al-Bayan University / College of Nursing organized an educational seminar about Tuberculosis


In cooperation with The Consulting Clinic for Chest and Respiratory Diseases and School Health Unit of Al-Baya’a Health Center, College of Nursing organized an educational seminar entitled “Tuberculosis: Prevention and Treatment” to commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. The seminar was held in Al-Bayan Conference Hall on Tuesday March 19, 2019. The presenter was specialist physician Mahmoud Jabir Shakir, the director of the Consulting Clinic, and he explained the disease along with its causes, diagnosis, types, symptoms, prevention, and treatment. The seminar witnessed great attendance of students and professors. Al-Bayan University Academic excellence in a modern vision

4 04, 2018

Cooperation agreement between Al-Bayan University and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh global


The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the bonds of cooperation in higher education and encouraging creativity and innovation , this agreement was signed on Wednesday 4/4/2018 between: The first side: the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh global, represented by Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh. The second side: Al-Bayan University, represented by the vice chancellor Dr. Ahmed Salman Shuhayb. 1- Al-Bayan University is going to open a new college based on  Talal Abu-Ghazaleh'sprograms, called Talal Abu-Ghazaleh College for Creativity. 2-Al-Bayan University is going to open a center for teaching English and other languages under the academic supervision of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh global. 3- Al-Bayan University is [...]

2 10, 2017

Honouring Top Performing Students at Al Bayan University


In order to encourage its students to give all their efforts in the educational process, Al Bayan University held a ceremony to honor the top three performing students in its four colleges: Pharmacy, Pathological Analysis Technologies, Law, and Business Administration. During the ceremony, rewards were given and certificates of appreciation were awarded, as well as drop 100% of the college fee, 75% for the second, and 50% for the third in each college.

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