In the laboratories of the College of Health and Medical Techniques/Immunology Laboratory, the practical part of the training course on (ELISA Technique and its applications) was held for students of the Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques and under the supervision of lecturer. Dr.Evan Hamid Sulaiman Reda from Al-Nahrain University/College of Science/Department of Applied Pathological assistant lecturer Analysis and Raghad Naji Shehab/The Iraqi Center for Cancer Research and Medical Genetics/Al-Mustansiriya University. Assistant lecturer Sarah Luay Sobhi, Al Bayan University/College of Health and Medical Techniques/Department of kidney dialysis Techniques In the second part of the course, the practical aspect of the ELISA device was applied and students were taught how to read the results and what methods are used in this technique, taking into account how to avoid errors during work.