Issue date: 2021

Latest update: 2024

At Al-Baya n University, we believe in creating a safe, healthy, and welcoming environment for everyone on campus. To help achieve this goal, we have established a No Smoking Policy to protect the well-being of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors. This policy is designed to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and promote a healthier campus community.

Policy Details

  1. No Smoking Zones:
    • Smoking is not allowed inside any university buildings, including classrooms, labs, offices, and common areas.
    • To prevent smoke from entering buildings, smoking is also prohibited within 10 meters of entrances, windows, and ventilation systems.
    • This policy includes the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices.
  2. Designated Smoking Areas:
    • We have set up specific outdoor areas for smoking, which are clearly marked with signs. These areas are placed away from busy spots and building entrances.
    • Please use only these designated smoking areas. Not following this rule may lead to disciplinary actions.
  3. Responsibilities:
    • Students and Staff: Everyone is expected to follow and support this policy. If you see someone smoking in a non-designated area, kindly remind them of the policy.
    • Security and Maintenance: Our security team will help ensure the policy is followed, and our maintenance staff will keep the designated smoking areas clean.
    • Health Services: The health center offers resources to help those who want to quit smoking, including counseling and smoking cessation programs.
  4. Enforcement:
    • Violating this policy can result in warnings, fines, or other disciplinary measures for students. Staff and faculty violations will be handled according to local and/or University regulations.
  5. Communication:
    • This policy will be communicated through orientation sessions, the university website, and regular reminders.
    • Signage indicating smoking and non-smoking areas will be prominently displayed around the campus.

Support for Quitting Smoking

We are dedicated to helping individuals who wish to quit smoking. Available resources include:

  • Counseling services through our health center.
  • Access to smoking cessation programs and support groups.
  • Information on local resources and hotlines for additional help.

Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed every year and updated as needed to stay effective and comply with legal requirements.